Welcome to Arrowhead

Gate Access

Arrowhead is a gated community with access primarily provided via the main gatehouse on Arrowhead Drive. There are 5 additional gates:

On the South side of Highway 6 - the East Gate, the West Gate. (11:00pm - 5:00am daily, entrance is not permitted at the East and West gates.)

On the North side of Highway 6 - the McCoy Gate, the Riverbend Gate, the Eagle River Gate

See below for information on Homeowner & Club Member access, Contractor, Guest & Vendor access, and Bicycle & Pedestrian access.

  • Homeowners, Arrowhead Alpine Club Members and Country Club of the Rockies Members are allowed electronic gate access to Arrowhead using TransCore RFID stickers affixed to the vehicle’s windshield. Each sticker is assigned to a specific vehicle and is not transferrable. (For homeowners using rental cars - please see the section Bluetooth-Enabled Entry.)

    To maintain secure control of the RFID management software and database, Arrowhead Public Safety is the sole source for RFID sticker registration, placement on each vehicle, and management of the system.

    Each Homeowner is allowed up to six RFID stickers.

    Each Non-Resident Club Membership is allowed up to two RFID stickers.

    RFID stickers costs $40 each (except for the complimentary one for new homeowners).

    The RFID stickers are available only for family member vehicles, and cannot be used for friends, guests, property managers, contractors, etc.

    For new homeowners: Please bring property ownership documentation to Public Safety at the main gate. This may be done on weekdays between 9:30 am and 3:00 pm or on the weekends by appointment. Public Safety will register homeowners in the system and provide guidance through the steps to receive the RFID stickers (one complimentary and up to five more at $40 each, for a maximum of six.)

    Homeowners & Non-Resident club members that currently have one or multiple transponders can exchange each physical transponder for an RFID sticker at no cost: Please bring the transponder and the vehicle that will receive the RFID sticker to Public Safety at the main gate on weekdays between 9:30 am and 3:00 pm, or on weekends by appointment.

    RFID stickers (other than the first complimentary one for new homeowners) must be ordered and paid for online. Public Safety staff cannot accept payment for new or replacement stickers.

    Please visit the next section - Purchasing RFID Stickers - for additional information and a link to the online purchase portal.

    After purchasing RFID stickers online, please bring the vehicle/s that will receive the RFID sticker/s to Public Safety at the main gate on weekdays between 9:30 am and 3:00 pm or on weekends by appointment.

    For questions please call Public Safety at 970-754-6702 or 970-926-2588.

  • RFID stickers (other than the first complimentary one for new homeowners) must be ordered and paid for online. Public Safety staff cannot accept payment for new or replacement stickers.

    A separate transaction is required for each RFID sticker to be purchased. The purchase and registry system is based on individual vehicles. You cannot acquire multiple stickers in one transaction. Note: The purchasing system does not store credit card information.

    To purchase an RFID sticker you will need the following information:

    • Homeowners: Arrowhead Physical Address (such as that used for FedEx or UPS)

    • Non-Resident Club Members: Member Number (typically found on your club statement)

    • First & Last Name

    • Email address

    • Phone number

    • Mailing Address

    • Vehicle Year

    • Vehicle Color

    • Vehicle Make

    • Vehicle Model

    • License Plate Number

    • License Plate State

    • Credit card information for payment

    Click HERE for the online RFID sticker purchase portal.

    After purchasing RFID sticker/s online, please bring the vehicle/s that will receive the RFID sticker/s to Public Safety at the main gate on weekdays between 9:30 am and 3:00 pm or on weekends by appointment.

    For questions please call Public Safety at 970-754-6702 or 970-926-2588.

  • Bluetooth-enabled entry is available for Homeowners only, through a smartphone app - ProdataKey (pdk).

    Note - this is the best option for homeowners using rental cars.

    For additional information visit the Homeowners tab, Welcome to the Neighborhood page or click HERE.

  • Contractors, Guests, Renters and Vendors are required to initially enter Arrowhead through the main gate to register with Public Safety for access to Arrowhead. Registration is valid for a maximum of 2 weeks, and must be renewed, if needed, every 2 weeks.

    The Public Safety team will explain rules and regulations, and issue an appropriate hangtag. While in Arrowhead, vehicle hangtags must be displayed in the front of the vehicle with the expiration date visible.

    After registering at the main gate:

    • Access to properties on the South side of Highway 6 - each entry must be through the main gate.

    • Access to properties on the North side of Highway 6 - call Public Safety from one of the North gates.

  • Bicyclists and Pedestrians must enter the Arrowhead community only at the main Arrowhead Drive entrance and check-in with a Public Safety Officer.

    Bicyclists, Drivers, and Pedestrians must comply with State of Colorado laws regarding vehicles and traffic.

    To ensure the wellbeing of all and the continued ability to offer recreational opportunities within Arrowhead, every bicyclist is expected to follow the Bicyclist Policy when biking in Arrowhead.

Property Owner & Club Member Access

All Other Access