Arrowhead Highway 6 Safe Crossing Project

The Arrowhead Metro District has been developing a plan to address the need for a safe crossing of US Highway 6 for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Two priorities have been identified: safe crossing for pedestrians and bikers, and, in anticipation of higher volumes of high-speed traffic in the near and long term future, safer ingress and egress of cars into and out of the main Arrowhead entrance.

CDOT has advised that a roundabout is the only option that solves both priorities.

After several years of research, investigation, discussion and planning, the Metro District is moving forward with construction of a roundabout at the main Arrowhead entrance, equipped with at-grade crossings and flashing lights in the low-speed areas entering and exiting the roundabout.

Project information, progress and updates will be posted on this page. Occasional communication will also be sent to homeowners via email.

See below for details.

Project Status:

09/13/2024 Update & plan for completion (assuming good weather & asphalt availability)

Week of 09/09/2024

  • Prep for concrete placement for the bus stop

  • 9/9 flow fill of the 24” culvert went well, nearly 100% full, the downhill slope helped

  • Subgrade prep & backfill behind curbs nearly 90% complete

Week of 09/16/2024

  • Continuing road base prep and concrete

  • Concrete starting Monday for bus stops and curbs

Week of 9/23/2024

  • Finalize concrete

  • Prep for asphalt

09/30/2024 - Paving starts

10/01/2024 - Complete concrete and bottom asphalt mat

10/02/2024 - Final milling for full overlay, tapers, leveling/adjustments

10/07/2024 - Final overlay target (complete by 10/11) followed by striping

09/06/2024 Update & plan for completion

Week of 9/02/2024

  • Continued prep of islands and Hwy 6 subgrade

  • Installed electrical conduits

  • All deep utilities (storm) are complete

  • Black Hills was onsite 9/04/2024 to remove the abandoned gas line

  • All large boulders have been removed

  • Working on subgrade as the bus stop

  • Electrical work continues

Week of 09/09/2024

  • Concrete placement(s) starting with the bus stop

  • 9/9 flow fill of the 24” culvert

  • Subgrade prep & backfill behind curbs

Week of 09/16/2024 - Continuing road base prep and concrete

10/01/2024 - Complete concrete and bottom asphalt mat

10/02/2024 - Final milling for full overlay, tapers, leveling/adjustments

10/07/2024 - Final overlay target (complete by 10/11) followed by striping

8/23/2024 Update

The project construction moved to the south side of Highway 6 on Tuesday, August 20th. The plan that was presented at the Metro District Town Hall, that included no closure of the Arrowhead main gate, has been changed by CDOT. While entry and exit at the main gate was to be available, the revised plan allows for entry only at the main gate through the remainder of the project. Exit from the south side of Arrowhead is via the East and West gates.

The construction work taking place through Wednesday, August 28th, will be installation of all of the deep and shallow storm drains. That will be followed by excavation for the concrete curbs and islands.

The project is scheduled to be complete by mid-October.

8/19/2024 Update

Beginning Tuesday afternoon, August 20th, the Highway 6 Safe Crossing Project traffic pattern will shift to the north side of Highway 6. Click HERE to see a detailed outline of the lane shift.

There will be no changes for entrance into the south side of Arrowhead, however exit from the south side of Arrowhead will only be permitted through the East and West Gates. There will be detour signs in the community, primarily guiding people to the East Gate exit. Click HERE to see a detailed east side detour map.

There will be access to the Main Gatehouse via the exit lane on Arrowhead Drive, up to the gate only. There will be a hard closure in the exit lane, just past the Main Gatehouse, and exit will not be permitted at this location.

08/16/2024 Update

Saturday, August 17th - Asphalting on the north side of the project will take place.

Monday, August 19th - Restriping of the road and final cleanup of the north side will take place.

Tuesday, August 20th - The south side barriers will be rearranged in preparation for a new traffic pattern that will begin on either Tuesday, August 20th, or Wednesday, August 21st.

Information about the new traffic pattern will be communicated as soon as it is available.

08/07/2024 Update

On the north side of the project, all concrete curbing and sidewalks have been completed. Asphalt and road base is being installed to prepare for laying asphalt during the week of August 12th. A traffic pattern change, when construction moves to the south side of Highway 6, is now anticipated during the week of August 19th.

07/31/2024 Update

Storm drain installment is complete. Paving and framing for concrete work on the north side of the project is in process. Installation of lamp post bases has begun. A traffic pattern change is anticipated during the week of August 12th. Details of the traffic pattern change will be communicated as they become available.

07/23/2024 Update

The project is on schedule with anticipated completion by the end of September 2024. The recreation path has been relocated to it’s permanent location and is open for use. Storm drain installment continues and the roundabout area has been excavated. During the first week of August, construction will shift to the south side of Highway 6. Details of the resulting traffic pattern change will be communicated as they become available.

07/01/2024 Update

Storm Drain installment will continue this week. Milling the asphalt should start tomorrow, Tuesday, and run into Wednesday. The recreation path has been detoured for realignment. Per CDOT there will be no construction Thursday thru Sunday for the Holiday.

06/24/2024 Update

The project crew is in the process of creating a temporary detour for the recreation path. They will be working quickly to re-establish the regular path.

06/13/2024 Update

CDOT has issued to the AMD, the official Notice to Proceed (NTP) as of this week. This means they have approved the construction plans, environmental plans, road right of way and allowed for a pre-construction meeting, which occurred this week. You will start seeing the barricades set up and construction commence next Monday, 06/17/2024. The development timeline is looking promising for completion mid September barring any unforeseen delays.

Project Background & FAQ

  • Newspaper

    AMD Safe Crossing letter with FAQ Oct 2023

    This letter was sent to Arrowhead Homeowners in September 2023 in advance of the AMD Safe Crossing Survey. In addition to addressing many questions that AMD had received about the project, the letter summarizes the investigation and analysis of various Highway 6 safe crossing options for pedestrians and bicyclists.

  • Hand filling out survey

    AMD Safe Crossing Survey Results

    The majority of the October 2023 survey respondents feel there is a need to address safe crossing of Highway 6 and are in favor of the Arrowhead Safe Crossing Roundabout project. Click below to review the results.

  • Technical drawing showing roundabout traffic flow

    MTJ Roundabout Engineering - Engineering Safety Performance Checks

    This presentation is a highlight of the safety features of the project.

  • Technical drawing of roundabout

    Alpine Engineering - Roundabout Presentation

    These key pages from the FIR submittal demonstrate the roundabout design that includes at grade crossings with flashing alert lights and crossing refuge areas between the East and West bound lanes.

  • information icon

    Who to contact for more information:

    via email: AMD Board

    via phone: Beth Johnston 970-926-6060 ext. 111